
Showing posts from 2012

finalize() method in java

protected void finalize () throws Throwable {} every class inherits the  finalize()  method from java.lang.Object the method is called by the garbage collector when it determines no more references to the object exist the Object finalize method performs no actions but it may be overridden by any class normally it should be overridden to clean-up non-Java resources ie closing a file if overridding  finalize()  it is good programming practice to use a try-catch-finally statement and to always call  super.finalize() . This is a safety measure to ensure you do not inadvertently miss closing a resource used by the objects calling class protected void finalize () throws Throwable { try { close (); // close open files } finally { super . finalize (); } } any exception thrown by  finalize()  during garbage collection halts the finalization but is otherwise ignored finalize()  is ne...

Plain Old Java Objects (POJO)

What is a POJO? "A POJO is a simple ordinary java object that does not extends classes or implements interfaces from any frameworks or APIs" The term "POJO" is mainly used to denote a Java object which does not follow any of the major Java object models, conventions, or frameworks.  A POJO is a Java object that doesn't implement any special interfaces  ,extends classes, defined in frameworks and APIs.  Ideally speaking, a POJO is a Java object not bound by any restriction other than those forced by the Java Language Specification. i.e a  POJO  should not  have to. Extend prespecified classes, as in public class Foo extends javax. servlet . http . HttpServlet { ... Implement prespecified interfaces, as in public class Bar implements javax. ejb . EntityBean { ... Contain prespecified annotations, as in @javax. persistence . Entity public class Baz { ... However, due to technical difficulties and other reasons, many ...

Create a domain in glassfish server

While installing Glassfish, sometimes it does not create domain due to java path error. Edit asenv and point to your JDK installation for set AS_JAVA=C:\Java\jdk. you can create a domain with the asadmin tool Asenv.bat is present at the directory C:\glassfish3\glassfish\config glassfish-install-dir\bin\ asadmin create-domain your-domain-name

Deploying a web module in glassfish server

To Start Glass Fish Server Open command Prompt and type any of below commands asadmin  start-domain asadmin start-domain [domain name] [--verbose] To Stop Glass Fish server asadmin stop-domain [domain name] To view the deployed applications asadmin list-applications To build, deploy, clean, undeploy  a web module using Ant 1.       open command prompt 2.        Go to the application context directory 3.        Type ant 4.        ant deploy for deploy a web module to domain 5.        ant clean to clean all build artifacts (deletes the built and dest folder) 6.        ant undeploy un deploys web module from domain

Java EE 6 Software Development Kit installation

Java EE 6 Software Development Kit installation setup requires JRE at the default installation path. Otherwise it will pop up warning message like "This application needs version 1.6 or higher of the java(TM) Runtime Environment." 1. Double click the java-ee-sdk-windows.exe to start installtion process 2.If the application does note found jre, installation can be done from command prompt. 3.In command prompt , Go to the path where setup is present 4.Type setup name - j followed by jre path in double quotes. ( java_ee_sdk-6u4-windows-ml -j "C:\Program Files\Java\jre7") 5.During the installation of the SDK, do the following. Configure the GlassFish Server administration user name as admin, and specify no password. This is the default setting.  Accept the default port values for the Admin Port (4848) and the HTTP Port (8080).  Allow the installer to download and configure the Update Tool. If you access the Internet through a firewall, provide the proxy ...

How to set current jre version in windows environment

You can set the current version of JRE in windows as given below. Open windows registry. (Run --> regedit) Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -->SOFTWARE --> Javasoft --> Java Runtime Enviroment Edit and Change the Current Version in Java Runtime Environment

Java code compilation process

When you compile a java file using javac compiler, it produces a file with .class extension. The class file consists of bytes code. Byte code is platform independent as it can be run on any platform once it is compiled.

Prevent Winmail.dat Attachments from Being Sent in Outlook

Select Tools | Options... from the menu. Go to the Mail Format tab. Under Compose in this message format: , make sure either HTML or Plain Text is selected. Click Internet Format . Make sure either Convert to Plain Text format or Convert to HTML format is selected under When sending Outlook Rich Text messages to Internet recipients, use this format: Click OK . Click OK again. 

Why Email attachments are downloaded as winmail.dat file ?

Transport-Neutral Encapsulation Format (TNEF) is Microsoft's non-standard format for encapsulating mail which has any non-plain-text content or properties (such as rich text, embedded OLE objects, voting buttons, and sometimes just attachments). Whether or not a given message is encoded using TNEF is determined by the Outlook default settings, per-recipient setting, Exchange Server settings, and message type and content. Once a TNEF message is used, the entire message, including all the original attachments and properties, is encapsulated in a single attachment of mime type "application/ms-tnef" added to the message to be sent over the Internet. This attachment is usually named "WINMAIL.DAT", and when sent to any non-MS mail client, is useless, and makes access to the original message attachments impossible. You can parse the winmail.dat file using the tnef.jar file in order to extract the attachments For more information please visit the belo...

Creating a Thread

A Thread can be created in two ways. By Extending Thread class By Implementing Runnable interface Examples 1. Creating a Thread by extending Thread class class  MyThread  extends  Thread{   String s=null;    MyThread(String s1){    s=s1;    start();    }    public void  run(){    System.out.println(s);    } } public class  RunThread{    public static void  main(String args[]){         MyThread m1= new  MyThread( "Thread started...." );   } } 2. Creating a Thread by implementing Runnable interface class  MyThread1  implements  Runnable{    Thread t;   String s=null;    MyThread1(String s1){    s=s1;    t= new  Thread(this);    t.start();    }    public voi...

Scheduler example package com.sandbox.scheduler.model; public enum Category {     RED(1),     GREEN(2),     BLUE(3);     private int value;     public int getValue() {         return value;     }     private Category(int value) {         this.value = value;     } } package com.sandbox.scheduler.model; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.util.UUID; import com.sandbox.scheduler.model.Category; public class Task {     public int urgency = -1;     public Category category;     public LocalDateTime timestamp =;     public UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();     public Task(int urgency, Category category) {    ...