As part of the Best Practices, we know that we should be setting -Xms & -Xmx Java command line parameters. What are these settings and why is it required to set these. As JAVA starts, it creates within the systems memory a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). JVM is where the complete processing of any Java program takes place. All JAVA applications (including IQv6) by default allocates & reserves up to 64 MB of memory resource pool from the system on which it is running. The Xms is the initial / minimum Java memory (heap) size within the JVM. Setting the initial memory (heap) size higher can help in a couple of ways. First, it will allow garbage collection (GC) to work less which is more efficient. The higher initial memory value will cause the size of the memory (heap) not to have to grow as fast as a lower initial memory (heap) size, thereby saving the overhead of the Java VM asking the OS for more memory. The Xmx is the maximum Java memory (heap) size within the Java Virtual Memory ...